Thursday, March 27, 2008


good morning...

for the past few days, I've been wanting to post my blogs but it seems my connection is so slow I cannot upload photos and write-ups. It seems that I have to be content with just post text blog ( I am not sure if I can post this) I am still on a dial-up connection at home.
Anyway, I am informing that the official blog for the CDO Lifeline Ministries, Inc is at cdolifelineministries.blogspot and this blogsite is purely my personal blog and I intend to blog also my experiences in my other group of medical mission which is the Golden City Alliance Fellowship's Touch a Life Foundation that is also doing medical mission for church planting. I intend to publish the photos which I took with my MP4..I am recalling the conversation we had with my son, raymond who prodded me into blogging, that I should have a faster connection and not a dial-up, but I reasoned that I am still slow in computers and the computers will have a hard time waiting for me... well, now I know better. But the question now is I cannot afford the faster connection. I am praying for this provision and also a better camera to capture the images of God's Kingdom and His people's service to hasten His second coming.

meantime, try to surf to preachtoday.blogspot site, it's worth our while reading this blog.

update : still cannot upload photos today, March 29, 8:21 am (manila time)

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